The Wandering Moon Tarot
This deck I had seen around Instagram for quite a while and had it on my Wish List for a long time, after chatting with Rachael I decided to go for it.
Rachael usually has a deal on her Etsy page which makes the deck really good value and after chatting with her decided to go for it, I got the wandering echo major arcana deck for free with my order.
The decks came from Australia really quickly with no problems at all.
So as usual I’ve used this deck for a month and really enjoyed the simplicity of the design and symbolism, so much so that I’m getting the Seven of Stars as a tattoo in a months time!

Three card spread
I was asking for a general reading for the month ahead and these are the cards it drew for me using the past present and future places.
The Four of Moons (Cups) tells of a recent past of disappointment and going with the flow, feeling low and full of ennui, not sure of direction but knowing that I want something.
The Eight of Wands is telling me that now is a time of change and movement though nothing is finalised or grounded but to go with that, embrace the change for the positives that it can bring.
and finally the Knight of Wands (which used to be my signifier in most of my early readings) speaks of continuing that energy and passion but remembering to temper my more impetuous tendencies.

Three card spread
A little reading about a current project that is still in its nascent period and is preying on my mind quite a bit.
The Sun is about where I am at the moment and this is a lovely positive card all about self-confidence, positivity, accomplishments, and feeling creative.
The Tower is looking at possible hinderances but I feel it is really talking about my fear of change and my need to be in total control at all times and that this sometimes isn’t possible as change can be sudden and disruptive.
The Chariot is about outcomes speaks of this control, that even though change is sometimes disruptive and can pull you all ways, that with strength and perseverance success can be achieved but decisions I make have to be about what I really want not others expectations.
Overall a positive reading and quite a strong one with all Major Arcana cards showing up.

Three card spread
I was just wondering how the week ahead could pan out for me and these were the cards I drew.
Ace of Wands speaks of my energy for a new venture, a new beginning and that to achieve this I feel I can’t just sit back and dream it, that I have to be proactive and put myself out there to get what I want and to be passionate about it.
King of Cups tells me that I’m keeping a lot to myself and am unable to talk about a lot of what is going on at the moment and this is playing on my mind.
The Hanged Man tells me to to maybe temper my energy and enthusiasm for the possible change and manage my emotions better but change is still on the cards.

Three card spread
I’ve got a long weekend and was just looking for a general reading of possibilities for the weekend.
Five of Stars talks about a mindset of loss and worry, that I’m focusing too much on the negative side of my life and letting that take control.
This is reflected in the Eight of Moons where I’m feeling disappointment in areas where I’ve thrown myself in with full gusto and heart to feel lack of reciprocation and it gives me a feeling of something missing. There is also an invitation to refocus and question myself about what does bring me joy and fulfilment.
Page of Wands then reminds me of my capacity for exploration and innovation, trying something new and though I’m still not sure about what will happen I’m more than ready to try it.
This really feels like my life right now, full of doubts but with a possible great new adventure on the horizon and trying to stay positive and grounded without reaching either extremes of mood.

Current strengths
Just thought I’d try a new spread this week, still using The Wandering Moon Tarot, this is the current strength spread.
1-4, left to right:
1 – Current Strength, 2 – How to Utilise It, 3 – Where It Will Lead, 4 – What Do I Need to Develop.
The Wanderer tells me my current strength is staying grounded and appreciating the now, being grateful for opportunities and how things are.
Two of Stars talks of using this strength to maintain balance considering what is happening at the moment and keep track of tasks and responsibilities so they don’t run away from me.
The Full Moon tells me if I can keep this together that. there is a new beginning coming and that this will be both physically and spiritually fulfilling.
The Hierophant talks about what I need to develop and with what it going on right now, probably the mentoring aspect of the card, both giving and receiving as this will help move me forward.
I’ve had great fun using this deck this month, finding it gorgeous to look at as well as having great art and symbolism, it’s definitely going to be one of my go to decks though I don’t think it will replace the Sacred Rose Tarot but it’s really close.