Journal · 11th November 2024

The Bird is Dead

Ex Twitter

Ex Twitter

I’d been thinking about it for a while and coming up with excuse after excuse not to, but today was the day I deactivated my Twitter account..

I’ve been on and off Twitter for a long time, probably since about 2012 but it wasn’t until about 6 years ago that I really got into my swing with it.

This was when the @indiebookshopuk account started to go along with the Indie Bookshops website which quickly gained traction and when I added the Indie Publishers website a couple of years later it gained some more, getting to about 15,000 followers and I was posting and adding content regularly.

Then Musk bought Twitter and I sort of consolidated everything under the Big Bearded Bookseller twitter account but still posting bookshop/publisher information but with nowhere as much frequency of pleasure.

I decided to hang on to see where it went but it kept getting worse and worse and several months ago I stopped posting with any frequency whatsoever and lost all my love for the place, and over the last couple of months as the election transpired in the US and Musk’s involvement and encouragement of right wing, racist, abusive, and misogynist thought and behaviour on Twitter I realised I’d had enough.

I’d soft left for Bluesky, and left a parting message and locked my account down and thought I could keep it at that until I had taken all the data off that I’d saved, this lasted a week, when I went on today the place was a cesspit, the slightest progressive post was being jumped on and wanted to bleach my eyeballs and realised I don’t need this, so the button was pressed and now it’s the 30 day countdown and its gone by Christmas.

There are so many people I’ll miss but this if for my sanity and not to give legitimacy to a right-wing cesspit.

A great Christmas present!

I can be found over on Bluesky and Instagram (not any longer) for any social media, though I’m unsure of how long I’ll stay on Instagram as my love for it has also waned the more adverts and non-followed posts I see.

Bottom Ko-Fi

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