Book Review · 31st January 2025

Scuttler’s Cove

David Barnett, Canelo, (368p) ISBN: 9781804367537. Horror, NetGalley read 31/01/25, Electronic Format ★★★★☆

Scuttler's Cove

Scuttler’s Cove

A story of Cornwall myths and legends, sacrifice and love, incomers and locals, all set against the heights of the land and breadth of the sea.

I’d not long finished ‘Withered Hill’ by David, which I Loved and it made me push this up the TBR to the top.

We follow Merrin Moon’s return to the village after a 13 years absence when her mother dies and at the same time there are Londoners moving into the new houses on the ancient site overlooking the main village, I mean what can go wrong?

Loved the almost Hallmark bit with Taran, local nerd boy takes over fishing and hunks out.

This is another great example of British folk horror written with a great eye for detail and storytelling, with some great set pieces that really hinted at the depth of the mythical world that David is building.

There was enough tension and twists to keep you going through the whole book rooting for the people you were meant to, and the end that ties worlds together was really well done.

Looking forward to the next in. this universe.

I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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