Book Review · 17th August 2020

Holiday Heart^

Margarita Garcia Robayo. Charco Press. (160p) ISBN 9781999368449
Holiday Heart

Holiday Heart

I had previously read Fish Soup by Margarita Garcia Robayo and thought it was absolutely stunning so was really looking forward to reading this and wasn’t disappointed at all. This sounds simple, and in a way it is but Margarita takes this simplicity and shines it to perfection.

An exploration of a couple, Lucia and Pablo, and their relationship before and after the incident of the Holiday Heart.

The pace of the writing and the development of the characters throughout the unfolding story are excellent, keeping you wanting more and delivering on that throughout the book.

This is a considered development, not a word out of place, characters introduced at the right moment to develop the plot, the environment is used to great effect throughout to really ground you in the place of this story.

There is an underlying ache throughout the whole book, both cultural and personal which impacts on everything the characters do, especially in gender expectations. Though this ache is lightened in place by some humour it is bittersweet.

Another wonderful book by Margarita Garcia Robayo, translated by Charlotte Combe and published by the ever brilliant Charco Press.

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