Book Review · 19th August 2020

Amazing Women of the Middle East^

Wafa Tarnowska. Pikku Publishing. (112p) ISBN 9781999639853
Amazing Women of the Middle East

Amazing Women of the Middle East

I was given this to preview by the publishers to include in the monthly newsletter as well as review on here, so watch out for the newsletter to see what extra terms are being offered for Independent Bookshops on the release of this book.

I’ve always loved these small biographies when I read them, simple enough to have you consume each section quickly but with enough information to inform but also tease you to want more, and Amazing Women of the Middle East is no different.

Wafa Tarnowska writes very intriguing little biographies for each of the women, turning historical people into personalities whilst laying the groundwork for you wanting to learn more about each woman, small but compelling, including a women I thought was fictional, Zenobia, which was one of. the most fascinating parts for me.

Covering a broad time span from Cleopatra VII up to the current period, each small biography is accompanied with illustrations by Hoda Hadadi, Christelle Halal, Esteli Meza, Sahar Haghgoo, and Margarida Estevez which complement the biographies well.

Publication date is the 20th of September 2020.

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