Book Review · 6th July 2021

Kate on the Case

Hannah Peck. Templar Publishing. (160p) ISBN 9781848129702

Kate on the Case

Kate on the Case

One thing about coming back to work after being on furlough was the amount of books waiting for me to read and review them, in some ways exciting and some ways daunting.

This is one of the first from that pile of books that I saw and wanted to read, ‘Kate on the Case’ by Hannah Peck.

I loved the idea of a young investigating journalist, all set up to solve mysteries and write their stories along with her trusty companion, Rupert the mouse.

I’m really happy to report that I wasn’t disappointed, a well written adventure sees Kate start her journalistic career and earn her stripes…

As things start going missing it is up to Kate and Rupert to discover what is going on and when they do there is a wonderful tail to tell…

The writing is wonderfully supported with cracking illustrations also by Hannah Peck.

I’m sure we will be seeing more of this investigative duo in the future.

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