Author Q&A · 3rd January 2023

Questions for Authors

Meet the Author

Meet the Author

The author q&a has been running for a couple of years now and there are 79 interviews on the blog.

There are still about ten interviews in the pipeline but I’m always on the lookout for more authors who would like to be involved so please contact me if you’re interested.

Here’s a list of questions, just answer what you want and feel comfortable with and feel free to adapt where necessary  🙂

The finished Q&A will go on my blog and a separate newsletter.

  • Tell me what inspired you to write your (debut) novel?
  • What came first the characters or the world?
  • How hard was it to get your first (debut) book published?
  • How long did it take to write?
  • Do you have a writing playlist? If so do you want to share it?
  • How many publishers turned you down?
  • What kind of reactions have you had to your book?
  • What’s the favourite reaction you’ve had to your book?
  • What can you tell us about your next book?
  • Do you take notice of online reviews?
  • Would you ever consider writing outside your current genre?
  • What did you do before (or still do) you became a writer?
  • Which author(s) inspire you?
  • Which genres do you read yourself?
  • What is your biggest motivator?
  • What will always distract you?
  • How much (if any) say do you have in your book covers?
  • Were you a big reader as a child?
  • What were your favourite childhood books?
  • Do you have a favourite bookshop? If so, which?
  • What books can you not resist buying?
  • Do you have any rituals when writing?
  • How many books are in your own physical TBR pile?
  • What is your current or latest read?
  • Any books that you’re looking forward to in the next 12 months?
  • Any plans or projects in the near future you can tell us about?
  • Any events in the near future?
  • and finally, what inspired you to write the genre you do?

please remember to add your socials, a small bio, and a few photos and email the answers to



and here’s an alphabetical list by surname of all the author interviews, with date the interview was published on.

  1. Lulu Allison (17/06/22)
  2. Nicola Ashbrook (16/12/22)
  3. Lisette Auton (28/01/22)
  4. Sheila M. Averbuch (20/01/23)
  5. Timothy Baker (15/07/22)
  6. Lizzy Barber (03/06/22)
  7. Fiona Barker (23/09/22)
  8. Jon Barton (13/01/23)
  9. Jacey Bedford (24/03/23)
  10. Peter Bennett (18/11/22)
  11. Remington Blackstaff (21/04/23)
  12. Richard C. Bower (17/02/23)
  13. Steve Chambers (11/11/22)
  14. Jeevani Charika (15/04/22)
  15. Anne Coates (11/03/22)
  16. Dr Gabriel Constans (29/04/22)
  17. Kate and Liz Corr (12/08/22)
  18. Jon Cox (29/07/23)
  19. Stephen Cox (04/02/22)
  20. Ian Eagleton (25/03/23)
  21. Jeff Evans (06/01/23)
  22. Lissa Evans (31/03/23)
  23. Lisa Fantino (17/03/22)
  24. Victoria Goldman (20/03/23)
  25. Dana Goldstein (01/02/24)
  26. Anne Goodwin (22/07/22)
  27. April Grace (02/12/22)
  28. Drew Gummerson (29/07/22)
  29. James Harris (17/03/23)
  30. Stu Hennigan (02/09/22)
  31. Greg Howard (27/01/23)
  32. L.N. Hunter (21/08/23)
  33. Oli Jacobs (10/06/22)
  34. Amy Jeffs (28/10/22)
  35. Hettie Judah (10/03/23)
  36. Mathreyi Kamoor (05/05/23)
  37. Janet Dean Knight (20/05/22)
  38. Laura Laakso (30/09/22)
  39. Ewan Lawrie (27/05/22)
  40. Amy McCaw (05/08/22)
  41. Juliet McKenna (10/02/23)
  42. Caron McKinlay (19/08/22)
  43. Anna McQuinn (04/02/22)
  44. Logan Macx (02/03/23)
  45. Sarah Manvell (25/03/22)
  46. Louise Morrish (30/12/22)
  47. Ivy Ngeow (01/07/22)
  48. Katharine Orton (25/11/22)
  49. Chris Parker (08/08/23)
  50. Rebecca Pert (08/07/22)
  51. Fi Phillips (15/03/23)
  52. Laure Van Rensburg (08/04/22)
  53. David Ross (03/03/23)
  54. Chrissie Sains (07/04/23)
  55. Ana Sampson (09/12/22)
  56. Jerry Simcock (23/12/22)
  57. Stephanie Sorrell (24/02/23)
  58. Steve Spithray (25/02/24)
  59. Nigel Stewart (13/05/22)
  60. Sam Szanto (26/08/22)
  61. Sarah Tagholm (09/09/22)
  62. Hilary Tailor (22/04/22)
  63. Cally Taylor (01/04/22)
  64. Deshan Tennekoon (14/10/22)
  65. Samantha Terrell (06/05/22)
  66. Anna Terreros-Martin (05/11/22)
  67. Gill Thompson (11/02/22)
  68. N.P. Thompson (02/10/23)
  69. Sharon Tyers (20/02/24)
  70. Jennifer Walker (25/02/22)
  71. Louise Walters (16/09/22)
  72. Mathew West (24/06/22)
  73. Eileen Wharton (14/04/23)
  74. Emma Whitehall (28/01/22)
  75. Tony Williams (21/10/23)
  76. Lorraine Wilson (03/02/23)
  77. Susan C Wilson (08/06/23)
  78. Kirsti Wishart (07/10/22)
  79. David Wragg (28/04/23)

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