Book Review · 9th March 2023

Red Sauce Brown Sauce

Felicity Cloake. HarperCollins. (384p) ISBN 9780008413668

Red Sauce Brown Sauce

Red Sauce Brown Sauce

Been on holiday this week and have given myself permission to just blow everything off completely which has meant I was able to sit down and read and I chose this as it was a book I’d had on my radar for a while and now that it’s out in paperback I had to get a copy.

I love Felicity’s pieces in the Guardian and constantly use some of her “How to cook the perfect…” recipes and advice.

This book takes that style of writing she does so well in the paper (personal, witty, and not taking herself too seriously) and makes one of the better travel books I’ve read in a while.

When I saw the basis of the book the thought of travelling around the UK and eating breakfast after breakfast almost had me buying lycra, and the amount of breakfasts I would eat means it would really have to stretch safely and a lot!

Full of fascinating vignettes of place and people, recipes, and constant talk about the route and some of the tribulations Felicity met on her tour kept me engaged and wanting to know more.

The close friendships of her and her travelling companions was also very heartwarming and a change from the lone voyager travel books.

Looking forward to trying some of the regional variations on a breakfast, especially getting some smoked fish back on the breakfast plate and clootie dumpling can be fried and added to a decent fry-up. I have to agree about the no chips rule but a good pile of hashed potatoes rather than a hash brown is really the way to go.

I won’t give the conclusion away but I agree.

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