So when I saw that there were copies of Body available to read and review I jumped at the chance as a good survey work is usually a really interesting read and exploration of photographs and photographers I’ve not seen before.
I dived right into this book as soon as it arrived and was not disappointed, set out in several distinct chapters exploring the way the body is viewed and represented in the 21st Century, there is a lead essay introducing you to about a dozen or so photographers working in that area.
There are lots of photographers I’ve known and loads more I’ve not seen and have been taking notes of their names to explore more of their work, what I would love to do is see it in the original format as intended but that is almost impossible as projects move on and exhibitions pass.
The only downside for me of this book was the format which meant the gutter occasionally went down the centre of a photograph that was spread over two pages, unavoidable but unfortunate.
A great collection of photographers exploring a core photographic subject which will keep me coming back to read again and again.