Root Rot
I got this from NetGalley and have been working my way through it quite slowly as it was a tough one to keep a track of, especially when I was on a low ebb reading wise.
The narrators point of view keeps changing throughout the book, coming from inside and outside the group of children, coming from an individual, and everything else.
This adds to the slow creep of the threads that run through this short but powerful story.
Set at the Lake House of their Grandfather we meet various children: The Liar, The Secret Keepet, Twin Brother, The Others, and more and follow a slow descent into a strange world where the boundary between group and individual becomes extremely blurred and entangled.
This sits in the cosmic fungal school of horror and really works at scratching at the back of your brain.
I wasn’t sure where this was going but the end was not what I was expecting.
Well worth a read!
I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.