Lies Sleeping
The Faceless Man’s (Martin Chorley, as was revealed in the last book) plans seem to be coming to a conclusion and Lesley seems more and more central to them.
This, the seventh in the main storyline, is a much faster paced book than most of the others and draws a lot of the London police service into The Folly, folding different lines of enquiry and investigations together into a more or less overarching plan.
Various disparate threads and theories all weave together and give an even greater insight in to the power and history of the various Rivers and British history.
It really is hold onto your seat and go along for the ride as Peter and the various expanding mystical Scooby Gang get together to close in on Lesley and Martin.
Mr Punch even makes another appearance and we learn more of his background.
Really enjoyed this and it leaves so much open for exploration in further stories.