Book Review · 31st August 2022

The October Witches

Jennifer Claessen. UCLan Publishing. (352p) ISBN 9781912979905

The October Witches

The October Witches

I’ve finally got around to using NetGalley properly and what a first book to set off with.

From the magnificent cover all the way to the last words this is a brilliant magical adventure full of heart, family, and friendship.

This is the tale of the Merlyns and Morgans, the descendants of the first two witches, Merlyn (a woman not a man) and Morgan, who fought each other for power and in the end limited witches power to the month of October.

Clem is the main protagonist of the story who has just come into her power this October and becomes the fifth point of a star and the key to a plan her mum and aunts have been planning to make the magic last all year round, but the dastardly Morgans interrupt this plan and try to enact their own plan to have magic all year round and to control the world.

Full of excellent characters from Bobby the pony to the bumbling but mysterious postman, full of Aunts and young hags, I raced through this story never wanting it to end but desperate to find out what happens, and it seems to have been set up for a sequel, hopefully next October

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