Starting Over

The Queen's Messenger
The Queen’s Messenger

I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve arrived at this site extremely piecemeal and have bits and bobs all over the place and if I just dumped everything on I’d be writing about TV series half way through them.

It’s not too bad putting on the film and music reviews as they’re for stand alone media, and for something like Die Hard or other films in a series it’s still not too bad to write about them out of order. In the same vein all music is stand alone and each album can be put on when I get to it.

But television needs to start from the start of a series and work through each episode in turn and each series in turn.

Going to download some episodes from Buffy, X-Files, and a couple of others for the commute to work and do a small review as I watch each episode.

This does mean I’ll be rewatching a lot of old favourites, but will mix this up with some newer series I’ve been meaning to watch.

Bottom Ko-Fi

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